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Life Skills Programs
                          Sub-Grouping System

Our Life Skills Program consists of three sub-groups.
Each group is in place for clients’ personal skills and interests.  
The Life Skills Program is designed to engage clients in skills and activities that will prepare them for their next steps in life; whether that be at a job, at home, in the community, in an adult day program, etc. While focusing on these specific skills, we continue to focus on the domains of communication, social, and behavior. Sonnenberg's Life Skills Program has 3 sub-groups where clients master different types of skill sets and goals that will help to prepare them for the next steps in their lives.
"Early Life Skills" consists of individuals who range from ages 5 to 12. Within this group, our younger clients are working on the first phase of their skill acquisition. This group works to master goals that consist of, but are not limited to, daily living skills and prerequisites for vocational, community, and age-appropriate gameplay and leisure skills. The individualized goals are designed to be the first stepping stone in their independent lives.
Objectives Include: 

  • Dressing and undressing independently

  • Independently completing age-appropriate, multiple closed-ended tasks

  • Completing age-appropriate grooming and feeding 

  • Independently completing age-appropriate chores 

  • Completing toileting with prompts

"Behavior Modification" consists of individuals who are school-aged and are in Sonnenberg's Life Skills Program for an average of 6-12 months. Clients in this group are preparing to fade into a classroom setting. Goals within Behavior Modification focus on decreasing challenging behaviors, engaging in coping skills, and tolerance programs while preparing them to return to academics.
Objectives Include: 

  • Understanding the perspectives of others

  • Independently completing age-appropriate daily routines 

  • Independently using coping skills 

  • Tolerance to completing difficult tasks for longer periods of time 

  • Participating in a group setting with faded support 

"Adolescent Life Skills" consists of individuals who range from 12 to 18+ years of age. Within this group, we set goals to generalize independent daily living, community, and vocational skills across different environments and people. Skills are generalized from the clinic to home and community settings. Adolescent Life Skills addresses the individual needs of the client and their next steps as they transition into adulthood.
Objectives Include: 

  • Independently engaging in leisure skills 

  • Independently completing age-appropriate daily routines 

  • Independently completing age-appropriate chores 

  • Completing tasks in the community (i.e. grocery shopping) 

  • Prerequisites for job skills 


If you are having problems with any of the forms or paperwork please click here to email the Client Coordination Director.

BHCOE Accredited 2021
BHCOE Accredited 2018
BHCOE Accredited 2023
Best ABA Clinic of Pleasant Prairie
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