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Lauren Meyer

Behavior Treatment Therapist in Pleasant Prairie

Lauren Meyer

Lauren is a Behavior Treatment Therapist - a Senior - and has been with the team since 2018. She started at Sonnenberg as a behavior tech (BTT) the month after she turned 18!

She has a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Carthage College. Her next professional goal is to start her Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis and become a BCBA.
Lauren loves working with early intervention - 18 months to 6 years old - which we call our “Littles!” She enjoys being a part of their early growth and skill development. Her favorite things to teach are social and play skills. Lauren also works with early school-age clients in the after school program.
In her free time, Lauren enjoys her dogs, Pentatonix and the Marvel cinematic universe.

BHCOE Accredited 2021
BHCOE Accredited 2018
BHCOE Accredited 2023
Best ABA Clinic of Pleasant Prairie
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